VEX IQ Competitions

This is a brief overview of what VEXIQ is, how to build, how the competitions run, etc.

Overview / Guidelines (ver 20140613)

This link is to download and install the software to update firmware:

This link is to download the VEXIQ Tournament Manager:

This link explains the 2014-2015 Game Rules and Video:

2014-2015 Game Rules and Video

This link has tutorials about how to program (ModKit and RobotC):

VEX IQ Programming

Schools with Fields to Practice On


Pearl City Elementary?

Wahiawa Middle School (

We practice Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 2:30-5:30.

We can also schedule weekend scrimmages if desired.

Highlands Workshop 2013-2014

Powerpoint (Thanks Joan!)