Week 8 Mini Project #4

Watch the Video 8-3 Pong

Read through project guidelines and rubric.

Project 4: Pong Game

Template: http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user5-xqVUbbAmsA5riHG.py

1) Part 1: Create a "Pong" canvas, that has gutters, a central dividing line, two paddles, scores, and a ball.

2) Part 2: Update the position of the ball. Have the ball bounce off the top and bottom of the board. Update the position of the two paddles, based on keyboard input.

3) Part 3: Determine if the ball hits the paddles. If it does, bounce the ball backwards. If it doesn't, update the score and start a new ball.

4) Part 4: Make sure the paddles stay on the board. Make the ball faster each time it is hit.