Week 2

Lesson #2-1: Functions

Watch Video 2-1: Functions

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Write and Save a Functions.py file


When creating a function, what does def do? What does return do?

What happens if you forget your colon?

What happens if the indentation is wrong?

In your triangle_area function, what happens if you don't use return?

What shortcut did he use when calculating the Kelvin conversions?

Lesson #2-2: More Operations

Watch Video 2-2: More Operations

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Write and Save a More_Operations.py file


What does 28 % 24 equal to? Why?

Why do programmers like the 24 hour clock over the 12 hour clock?

Why is 20 + 8 % 24 not equal to (20 + 8) % 24?

How is using modular arithmetic useful in making games?

How can you convert 3am to 03:00, without all those annoying spaces?

How do you import modules?

What does random.randrange(0,10,2) do?

Lesson #2-3: Logic and Comparisons

Watch Video 2-3: Logic and Comparisons

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Write and Save a Logic_and_Comparisons.py file

If a is true, and b is false, what is the value of (a and b)? (a or b)?

Make a truth table for (a and b) or (c and (not d))

Lesson #2-4: Conditionals

Watch Video 2-4: Conditionals

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Write and Save a Conditionals.py file


What is the difference between if, elif, and else?

TASK: Write a program testing if a year is a leap year.

Can you figure out past, present, future years?

Lesson #2-5: Programming Tips Week #1

Watch Video 2-5: Programming Tips

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Fix the following errors:

1) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-zLIkOAkpwOkEZGb.py

2) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-zPoDOXq2ED5coPt.py

3) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-duHILwP4p4WKApO.py

4) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-LzuufTEQIyokFE3.py

5) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-mHB2R1YT3tcMOZC.py

6) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-Ysk6EoRFWOTksFJ.py

7) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-jCBswsrb4i0r8va.py

Make the following more readable:

8) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-lKZItVERVBbkpq8.py

Answer: http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-gz1pkUdMvdtGZLD.py

What is the difference between """comment""" and #comment?