Week 4

Lesson 4-1: Buttons

Watch Video 4-1: Buttons

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Write and Save a Buttons.py file



When creating a calculator, what is store and operand?

What are six useful functions to have in your calculator?

Lesson 4-2: Input Fields

Watch Video 4-2: Input Fields

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Write and Save an Input_Fields.py file


What is the difference between frame.add.button and frame.add.input?

Why do you have to set operand=float(inp) and not just operand=inp?

TASK: Create a calculator that can add, subtract, divide, and multiply.

Save as Calculator.py

Lesson 4-3: Programming Tips Week #2

Watch Video 4-3: Programming Tips

Access www.codeskulptor.org

Fix the following errors:

1) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-0m1H7WcIqtPv6BK-0.py

2) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-pQiWV4BYAMdD0eH-0.py

3) http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user2-4wR0n3Kl9k4DxLI-0.py